LeadTip #52 Make Your Bed

“But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.” 1 Corinthians 14:40 NIV

When you examine the wonders of the universe and the miracle of life itself, you can see intelligent design and the brilliant engineering of God. You can also see a sense of divine order. There has to be order for chaos not to abound.

◦ Maintaining a sense of order is a healthy mindset.

Little things like making your bed, clearing your desk and setting your priorities on a to- do list is greatly beneficial to your productivity and efficiency for the day ahead.

Making time to organize will improve your work, home and ministry life..

◦ Every morning is another opportunity to bring order into your life.

Order brings a sense of peace and security. Beginning your day in calm with a cup of coffee, prayer and Bible reading can set the spiritual and emotional course of your day’s journey. This may mean getting up and going to bed a bit earlier.

◦ You may not be a morning person.

That’s ok. The key to order is having a disciplined time during the day to be calm, think, and set order. Establish your priorities and be realistic when planning your day and week. Evaluate your ability to execute in your desired time frame.

You want to experience accomplishments every day, big and small. You want to see completions on your to-do list.

◦ Getting the sleep and rest you need is part of the divine order of God for your body, soul and spirit.

Many people live life filled with anxiety and stress just because their body is craving rest. Scientific evidence and the National Sleep Foundation advise healthy adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. It takes energy to lead, so a leader must get sufficient sleep to be an overall effective person. For sure there are stages in life when sleep becomes a commodity, but leaders figure things out. Unhealthy leaders will fizzle out.

◦ Order can help with worry.

It is challenging to not live with worry in this world. Jesus understands our earthly challenges and therefore encourages us to focus on today. When you take time to order your life one day at a time, it frees you from the feeling of being out of control. Order helps to eliminate worry because you have a plan in place.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34


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