To build faith, and bring comfort, hope, and encouragement to people in all different walks of life.
Seek wisdom and understanding before making life altering decisions. God wants the best for our lives.
Faith is something that needs to be fed. Faith is what causes us to make decisions that oppose unbelief, fear, carnal desires, emotions, and cultural deceptions.
The church is how Jesus calls us, gathers us and prepares us for His return. It is the most important thing happening on the earth.
There will be many voices throughout your life calling to you and trying to gain your allegiance.
God deliberately seeks out those who have loyal hearts, and He rewards them for it.
Leaders must have patience and overwhelming love for those they are called to mentor and equip.
When you as a leader see something that is outright hurtful to the life of a person, or hear of sin in the camp, you must act.
Along with other important requirements, God requires leaders in His organization, the church, to be hospitable.
Setting your priorities on a to- do list is greatly beneficial to your productivity and efficiency for the day ahead.
If married, your marriage must come first. It must be a priority.
Physical health is connected to emotional and spiritual health and a leader’s ability to help others.
You cannot pinpoint what you are sensing and feeling, but you know something is concerning you. This is discernment. The Holy Spirit within you is speaking and guiding.
Little things can be just as important as big things. Little things speak greatly of the magnitude of care and concern.
Great leaders value people. There is no person on earth that does not need to know they are valued.
A good leader knows the importance of identifying the unique gifts, talents and personality given to every person by God.
A Christian leader should desire to be inspired by the Holy Spirit and lead others through godly inspiration.
It is easy to identify what is really important to a person. Whatever our lives revolve around is what we will truly focus on, invest in, work on, and find our identity.
When confusion, fear and anxiety begin to combat divine order, faith, and peace, you are likely experiencing spiritual warfare.
Boundaries, accountability, delegation, prayer, worship, rest and Holy Spirit renewal, are all protective and necessary disciplines in the life of a Christian leader.
Faith is the substance God uses to do His work, but it is often connected to our work. God blesses the work of our hands. He blesses productivity.
Even though money is the primary currency of debt, debt can also be emotional and spiritual depletion.
In the busy world of life, and even ministry, we must stop to experience the Power of Stillness.
A leader’s attitude towards team members has an incredible impact upon on the entire work environment and customer experience.
Give your limitations to Him, put Jesus first and trust in His Word for every decision you make.
Leaders must be wise and restrained in the words they use. A leader is in a consequential position to either built up or tear down.
Being a leader and being a manager are two different things, but both are needed for success in any organization, including family.
It's important for leaders to be wise and to understand it is wisdom that builds God's house and your own house as well.
If you do not deal with temptation it will lead you down a dark path and will seek to destroy you, your family, your church and your leadership.
Our love for the LORD should motivate us to serve God with excellence.
God wants you to have a vision for your life, for your now and future. Vision is seeing what God sees.
One of the greatest lessons you can teach your children is they are not alone. They can ask God to be with them throughout the day.
Laughter is necessary and beneficial to our health, just like food and water.
Matching the desires of a parent to the purposes of God for their child(ren) should always be a goal.
Speaking harshly to a child, degrading them, screaming and losing control as an adult, either verbally or physically, is not discipline.
We are living in a world that is pressuring parents to allow secular culture to raise their children.
Strong willed children usually need more parental focus, time and attention.
You will make a first impression of a person by their manners, how they greet you, respond to you, treat you, and behave in general.
Your challenge as a parent is learning the dynamics of your family and what makes each child tick.
A child’s obstinance and resistance is no reason to give in to improper behavior. Forceful compliance is a necessity when a child is young.
A parent’s role and goal is to raise well disciplined, respectful and godly children.
It is amazing how your children will hear everything you say as a parent, which means they are hearing everything around them.
The Bible clearly teaches children must obey their parents, which means parents must be able to direct their children.
You have to answer yes, no, or maybe, and your response may be detrimental to your child’s well being. So think before you speak!
A child will be deeply impacted by who is caring and educating them, and by what they are being taught.
Some parents feel like they are failing because of the challenges of dealing with the attitude and behavior of a strong-willed child.
A parent’s role in helping a child to understand their feelings when it comes to sexuality is an important aspect of parenting.
Making positive memories with our children is what they will carry into adulthood. Memories are the fabric of life and family.
The engineering of friendships is crucial to everyone’s spiritual, emotional, psychological and even physical well-being.
A parent must be very involved in making good decisions for their children and acquire the wisdom to do so.
“Let’s talk” may be two of the most important words you say to your child(ren). Your child needs to hear your voice even when you are not physically present.
You must be forceful, diligent and persistent in screening and approving not only what enters into your child’s soul through their eye and ear gates.
The Bible teaches a parent must exercise authority and discipline in order to raise secure and successful children.
Every child is a gift from God and a unique person from birth.
Do not carry baggage into parenting. As adults, we can all look back and critique a parent’s right decisions, wrong decisions, good parenting and bad parenting.
You must get and stay healthy. Your kids need the best of you. Healthy children come from healthy parents.
One of the most important tips for parenting is knowing it is a parent’s responsibility to instruct and raise their child(ren). No one else!
School was difficult and so was my home life. During my teen years I experienced my first bouts with depression…
I couldn’t remember what had brought me to this place. A place of hopelessness, a place of desperation…
Isaiah 61 “Good News for the Oppressed”. This is fitting because this is exactly how trauma can leave us feeling…
I didn’t grow up in the church. The earliest memories that I have were of abuse as a young child. It endured for years…
I was born addicted to Methadone, to a mother and father who loved me more than anything…
Getting expelled in the second quarter of 9th grade due to marijuana use was the beginning of a downward spiral for me…
I lived in a state of constantly being held down and bullied by my thoughts…
I’ve always had a relationship with Jesus, but up until a few years ago it had been one sided. By some miracle He never gave up on me…
I think what makes a friendship beautiful is learning how to walk thru the highs and lows that life throws at one another…
As a woman, you have the power to make or break your home.
She turned the screen around & uttered the words I had prayed my entire life never to hear, “there isn’t a heartbeat.”
It’s easy to trust when the healing comes, but it takes a great stirring of faith when it doesn’t…
After we got the ok we actively started trying to conceive, with no luck for about two years I lost hope…
I was always doing way too many things. Always moving, never stopping. For years…
I'd like to share knowledge on a subject many parents are becoming increasingly aware of, but perhaps remain confused by. I'm talking about autism…
There are some key actions to overcoming hurt, anger, and disappointment in a marriage…
I felt God calling me for a couple of years. Although I didn't purposely ignore the feelings, I put them on the back burner. I felt unworthy and spiritually broken and was battling with anxiety and depression…
I know... you shudder to hear That word-divorce. After all, it’s synonymous with detach, disunion, disconnect, severed, separate, dissociate, dissolution…
I remember when I first came to Legacy Church I was lost and broken. I believed I had no purpose in my life. I was a single mom to 4 girls…
Are our eyes clear so that God can use us, or have they been defiled?
How to develop a healthy spirit that will enable me to not only survive, but thrive during difficult seasons…
Admittedly, I’m a millennial. And a Christian. And for the most part, the word “modesty” as I’ve heard it in my lifetime has only been in reference to clothing selection...
In life’s journey one could get caught up with the many challenges, we are equipped, aren’t we?
When we first accept Christ into our lives, the enemy will always try to tempt us to go back to the world we came from…
How am I responding when the kids frustrate me? How do I act when things don’t go my way? I want to respond like I have Jesus in my life!
I remember thinking, “Why do people serve? What could be some of the benefits of serving in the church? Why donate your personal time to serve?”…
Whether it be a break-up, a divorce, a loss or empty nest, stay rooted and grounded in the things of God!...
To the amazing women who have yet to meet their Heavenly Father: I pray you open your heart and come to meet the One who knows you best…
Every time I visited Legacy I would be overwhelmed by the presence of God…
I am no longer a slave to the demon powers that once gripped my life. I am no longer who I used to be, but who God always intended me to become…
I told her, “Keep knocking. I will pray for you”. So we both pounded on the doors of school and Heaven.
I almost did not make it to my 18th birthday. Five days before this date I was in an extremely frightening accident that almost ended my life...
I am a single mom who had been battling cancer over the course of 8 years. During this time, I felt lost and found myself doubting my faith. When I stumbled upon Legacy Church…
February 11th, 2018 at about 3 am small pain in my lower back began. A pain that within 3 days grew into a pain worse than childbirth…
Prayer provokes God to perform miracles. I know because my medical records say so. One night my friend and I were assaulted by 40 to 50 rival gang members…
We struggled with finances for years. We made good money, but somehow we never had enough…
Nearly 80% of Americans are in debt and live paycheck to paycheck. There’s a lot to be said for this. There’s many cultural norms that we as Americans have adhered to without evaluating the benefits and risks involved…
Growing up in Providence my mom raised 4 girls on her own. As a kid I ran away and looked for an outlet through drugs and broken relationships…