Surviving the Season of Loss

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Many of us will walk thru a season of loss and grief; in fact, if you’re reading this you fall into two crowds: you are either someone who has suffered a loss or you know someone who has endured a loss.

When most people hear the word “loss” they seem to think of losing a mom, dad, baby, cousin, friend, grandparent, aunt, or uncle. A loss is a difficult journey - it leaves you feeling discounted, empty and hopeless. A loss comes to us in different forms; you can lose your job, lose an amazing friend, lose a house, or even a dream you’ve envisioned. I’m not sure what you’re grieving today or what loss stings your heart that you may be carrying, but I will say that whatever emotions you are feeling is okay. If we’re not careful, we can walk around carrying the weight that wasn’t made for us to carry, which in return can cause a lot of emotional and spiritual damage to our well being. Make sure to lay down your worries and burdens at Jesus’s feet - it may take one really ugly cry session to relieve you or maybe it will take 20, but keep laying it down because although you may not feel any different, He is doing a mighty work in you like never before.

Surviving the Season

In the Bible, it states in James 1:2-4, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” At first, I found myself questioning how the loss of my mom could ever be found as pure joy, and I’m sure you’re wondering how this is even possible? This wasn’t an emotion I developed overnight.  I gave myself room to feel every emotion I had to because God was calling me deeper. God didn’t cause my pain, He allowed it to happen so that my faith would produce longevity and perseverance. Joy is a choice that we have to fight for depending on the season were in.

Here are some ways to survive the season:

1. Be in the Word


If you are in a season of grief and loss, know that the Bible is the best road map that will lead you to hope everlasting.  Find a few verses that spark something in your spirit and say them every day; there is power in your words, even in dark seasons.

2. Reach out to Friends


Find a group of friends who can pray you out of the season you’re in.  Life isn't meant to be lived alone. I found that some days were more than I could bear and there was physically no way I was getting thru without prayer and grabbing onto His garment.

3. Time to Heal


Lastly, give yourself time to heal. There isn't a time span of when or how long we should grieve - just know Heaven is the end-all say-all. Heaven is where we no longer feel sadness or witness diseases that overcome our loved-ones. Heaven is where the ones who went too soon will embrace us with arms wide open.

You are not Alone

I’ll touch on this as a reminder — You are not alone.  The devil tried hard to whisper lies over me during my weakest moments, some days I was so tired that I believed it to be true. If this is you, I pray that the dead and weary parts of your soul arise with vengeance. God has fought so many battles for me and I believe the same for you!

As a church we do not believe in doing life alone. We want to pray with you.

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TESTIMONY: Ashley Piacenza


TESTIMONY: Junior Delgado