TESTIMONY: David Murray


The Bible says we defeat the enemy with the power of our testimony. This sometimes takes risking shame and embarrassment to help someone who may be in a very similar situation harboring secrets that in turn are imprisoning them. I hope this helps someone.

I was born in Boston the oldest of three boys in a highly dysfunctional family comprised of heroin addicts, prostitutes, molestation, compulsive gamblers, womanizers and alcoholics. When I was four years old my biological father in a jealous rage shot my mother in the head twice with a small caliber handgun as she was returning from her job at the Playboy club in Boston. She survived and soon divorced. My father later remarried and had three daughters. Although they lived a grand total of a mile and a half away from me, my father never made an attempt to see me or my brothers. In adolescence I witnessed unspeakable acts having a mother who lived immorally and exposed me to great hurt. Motorcycle gangs, drug deals, guns, prostitution, abuse, and other things to evil to mention, caused me to live in constant fear. This later in life turned into great anger. I even watched my bank robber uncle die in my living room of an overdose.

At Age 22 I was hospitalized with clinical depression, and diagnosed with PTSD. Within 6 months I would attempt to take my own life, but God indeed had other plans!

God has truly rescued me from the depths of despair! I do have to resist the enemy’s voice , but Christ, my wife and a church family has been my saving grace and source of encouragement. The enemy never stops trying to whisper negative and condemning words, but I remember he is a LIAR. He is NOT My Savior, My Redeemer, or My friend! But Jesus is! Though He committed no crime JESUS ROBBED THE GRAVE! I know because one hopeless night 32 years ago in my darkest hour He Robbed Mine!

Psalm 27:14 “though my father and mother forsake me, The Lord will receive me”

As a church we do not believe in doing life alone. We want to pray with you.

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TESTIMONY: Ashley Colletta


TESTIMONY: Devin Sheehan