Lessons from Lucifer (Pastor Ron Termale) September 12, 2021

  • Satan, whose original name was Lucifer, is an influencer. He has been influencing society and mankind for thousands of years, ever since the Garden of Eden when he persuaded Adam and Eve to rebel against God.

  • Lucifer’s story as an angel who became the devil is one of the greatest tragedies that we read about in Scripture. We find information about Lucifer’s fall in the books of the prophets Ezekiel and Isaiah.

    • Ezekiel says that Lucifer was created perfectly, beautifully, and full of wisdom, that he was in God’s presence, adorned with every precious stone, but that he was expelled for his pride (Ezek 28:12-17). Some theologians think that Ezekiel describes Lucifer as the original head of the worship music ministry in heaven, since he is said to have been created with “tabrets” and “pipes” (v. 13, KJV).

    • Isaiah also tells us that Lucifer fell from heaven and was cast down to the earth for exalting himself and trying to make himself like the Most High, or equal with God (Isa 14:12-14) (note that these descriptions of Lucifer in Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14 are found in prophecies against wicked kings whom Satan was influencing, which further shows how Satan is an influencer).

  • Three lessons that we can learn from Lucifer’s fall:

    1) Never put something above God in your life.

    • Lucifer made a choice to put himself and his thing (pride) first. If an angel like Lucifer could fall away from God’s presence, we could too. Never let the things of the world (such as golfing on a Sunday morning rather than going to church) replace your love for the Father (see 1 John 2:15-16).

    2) Your worship or lack of worship will influence others.

    • When Lucifer stopped worshipping God, he starting influencing other angels to rebel against God too (one-third of the angels fell from heaven according to Rev 12:4). Since Satan is a radical influencer, our greatest weapon against him is giving God radical praise, like David did when he danced before the LORD with all his might (2 Sam 6:14-22). Radical faith is what brings revival.

    3) Worship is what keeps your hope, joy, faith, life, and hands up.

    • Get people around you who are excited about their new life in Christ and who love the house of God. Just as Aaron and Hur kept Moses’s hands raised, which helped the Israelites defeat the Amalekites in battle (Exod 17:11-13), you need people around you who will keep your hands raised in worship. Beware of anyone or anything that would pull you out of worship and God’s presence, like Lucifer’s pride did to him.

  • When the servant of the prophet Elisha saw the Aramean army coming to seize Elisha, Elisha told him not to be afraid. God then opened the servant’s eyes to see angels protecting Elisha, and He struck the Arameans with blindness (2 Kgs 6:16-18). May God destroy fear, awaken the Church, and blind the enemy again today.

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It’s Not Over (Pastor Ron Termale) September 19, 2021


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