Lean In (Jenny DaSilva) September 5, 2021

  • You must be willing to give up certain things to be able to grow in your relationship with God.

    • When Jesus tells you to let go of something, you may feel like you will be left empty-handed (similar to the little girl in the image shown on the screen who does not want to give her small, raggedy teddy bear to Jesus, even though Jesus has a new, much bigger teddy bear hidden behind His back that He is waiting to give her).

    • Jesus wants you to trust Him through the process of waiting after you let go of something, for He is faithful to give you what He has for you.

  • How to lean in and trust Jesus during your journey with Him:

    1) Know that God will meet your needs.

    • God will shut the doors of that which you want but do not actually need, and will give you exactly what you do need. When you think that you want something, relax. Trust that God’s presence goes before you, and that He will give you rest (see God’s promise to Moses in Exod 33:14).

    • Be encouraged that “God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:19, NASB).

    2) Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you.

    • During your journey with Jesus, He is the driver at the wheel, and you are in the passenger seat. Do not hop out of the car when He takes a turn that you do not like, such as one that leads away from your old friends and habits. Jesus will take you on the greatest adventure.

    • God will give you the breakthrough you need. Just like the woman with the issue of blood was healed and freed from her suffering when she desperately pursued Jesus and touched His cloak (Mark 5:24-34), so will you find your breakthrough when you worship and fix your eyes on Him.

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Lessons from Lucifer (Pastor Ron Termale) September 12, 2021


No Such Thing as Impossible (Pastor Ron Termale) August 29, 2021