It’s Not Over (Pastor Ron Termale) September 19, 2021

  • Your perspective will determine your sense of reality, and your sense of reality will either give you peace and assurance, or anxiety and fear.

    • When the Aramean army was coming to seize the prophet Elisha, the servant of Elisha focused on the problem, and said to Elisha, “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” Elisha, on the other hand, focused on God, and said, “Don’t be afraid…Those who are with us are more than those who are with them” (2 Kgs 6:15-16, NIV). God then opened the servant’s eyes to see angels protecting Elisha on the hills all around them, and He struck the Aramean army with blindness (vv. 17-18).

    • Let your perspective be spiritual like Elisha’s, not natural like his servant’s. Live with a Romans 8:28 perspective, which knows that in all things, God is working for your good (Rom 8:28). Trust God, for there are more angels with you than there are with the enemy (only one-third of the angels are with the devil according to Rev 12:4; that means the other two-thirds are with you).

  • Two ways to change your perspective:

    1) Choose to see life through a spiritual lens.

    • If you are having a bad day, put some (spiritual) glasses on. Get a new perspective and see things the way that God sees them. Ask God what He is teaching you through the situation, how to trust Him through it, and how to properly deal with it. God might be reprogramming you not to overreact when there is a problem, and to understand that He has a purpose and a plan (i.e. that it’s not over).

    • True peace can only come from God and a spiritual mindset. Secular humanism teaches that man is in control of everything and that our rights come from government, but Christianity teaches that Jesus is Lord over everything and that our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness comes from God (a biblical truth that is stated in the Declaration of Independence). The world views the gospel message as foolish and weak, but it is wiser and stronger than the world’s wisdom and strength (1 Cor 1:25).

    2) Speak and pray God’s Word boldly and loudly.

    • Get comfortable praying out loud and decreeing into the atmosphere what is just, right, and what you want to happen in this earth and in your life (the devil should not be the only one speaking into society’s airwaves all the time). Use your words to build faith, not to invite ruin (see Prov 18:7, 21).

    • Since faith comes by hearing God’s Word (Rom 10:17), and God’s Word always accomplishes what it sets out to do (Isa 55:11), you need to hear yourself speaking the truth. Speak God’s promises over whatever your specific need is (e.g. for finances, speak Phil 4:19; for healing, speak Isa 53:5; for courage and faith, speak Rom 8:31; for protection, speak Isa 54:17).

  • Just like Todd Beamer, the passenger on Flight 93 on 9/11 who recited Psalm 23 and then said, “Let’s roll,” before joining an attack against the hijackers and thwarting their plan, we need a bold, spiritual perspective.

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Who Do You Say I Am? (Pastor Ron Termale) September 26, 2021


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