LeadTip #2 Christian Leadership
I Corinthians 11:1 Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.
What a weighty statement by the Apostle Paul. These words came from a person accepting the responsibility of being a role model for Jesus.
This does not mean Paul was perfect, but it does mean he sought to live perfectly. He put this yoke upon himself and lived with conviction in public and in private.
He was committed to Christ, to the body of Christ, and to the building of the Church. He modeled leadership through great passion, sacrifice, humility, and obedience. This was the Jesus model he was willing to follow.
My wife and I have been fortunate to have leaders in our lives who emulate Christlike character. We have been to many meetings over our 40 years of ministry that have reminded us of the Biblical requirements of leadership and the consequences of compromise and failure. We have received these warnings seriously, and obedience has protected our marriage, our children, and our Church.
The integrity of the local Church is what we all have to fight for and live for. God has to be able to point to any one of us and say, follow them as they follow Christ.
This is true Christian leadership.