LeadTip #3 Heeding Wise Counsel
Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; Keep her, for she is your life. Proverbs 4:13
It is better to search our hearts before the risk of calamity approaches. Are we willing to wait on the Lord, obey godly counsel, cast down pride, carnal desires, and impulses, for the better God has for us, for abundant life!
The captain of the Titanic was warned several times to change the course of his ship due to icebergs. Rather than heeding wise counsel, he was blinded by pride and impulse to take the fastest and shortest route. His infamous words are, “God himself could not sink this ship.” This decision resulted in the death of 1,515 people.
Seek wisdom and understanding before making life altering decisions. God wants the best for our lives.
Faith is something that needs to be fed. Faith is what causes us to make decisions that oppose unbelief, fear, carnal desires, emotions, and cultural deceptions.
The church is how Jesus calls us, gathers us and prepares us for His return. It is the most important thing happening on the earth.
There will be many voices throughout your life calling to you and trying to gain your allegiance.
Leaders must have patience and overwhelming love for those they are called to mentor and equip.
When you as a leader see something that is outright hurtful to the life of a person, or hear of sin in the camp, you must act.
Along with other important requirements, God requires leaders in His organization, the church, to be hospitable.
Setting your priorities on a to- do list is greatly beneficial to your productivity and efficiency for the day ahead.