LeadTip #20 Keep moving forward
The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. Proverbs 24:16
Life has its ups and downs, mountain tops and valleys, victories and failures. But the key to godly gain and living the abundant life God promises is to get up when you fall and keep moving forward.
God wants you to learn from your mistakes and not wallow in them. He does not want you to get stuck in hopelessness, weakness and in the hurts of life. Staying in these places will rob you of faith, purpose and joy. God promises to give you what you need to get through every circumstance. For the Bible says the joy of the Lord is your strength, in weakness He is made strong, and His mercy is new every morning.
When your emotions are telling you to give up, to stay down, you must fight with everything within you to get up and keep going. You must hold on to your faith, resist the devil and believe in scriptural promises. Do not seep in sadness, condemnation, fear, isolation and hopelessness. Do not let these things become a covering like a cozy blanket.
Yes, there will be times of grieving, sorrow, and great pressure in life, but the kingdom of God forcefully advances and forceful men lay hold of it. Like a woman giving birth, you must push through the pain to experience new birth. He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world! Do not allow yourself to remain in a valley when God has created you to a take a mountain.
Job is a perfect example of the attitude we must maintain even in the hardest of times.
An attitude of fortitude and trusting in the goodness of God. Thus Job reaped a double blessing.
God will never leave you nor forsake you. He will always get you through your Job experiences. Keep moving forward!
Never forget you are covered by the grace, compassion and mercy of God. You are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, protected in the strong tower of the church, and given an army of brothers and sisters in Christ to pray with you and for you. Tap into the weapons, power and gifts God has given you. Overcome!
When I was learning how to ski I fell more than I stood. It would have been crazy for me to climb back up the mountain every time I fell. I had to get up and keep going. I would have never learned how to ski and reach my destination if I had not kept moving down the mountain. Enjoying the comfort of having hot cocoa and friendship in a ski lodge at the end of the journey was a great incentive to not quit. Achievement is sweet.
When things get difficult, i.e., marriage, job, relationships, ministry, etc., some people abandon the mountain God has placed them on. Rather than learning from a fall and overcoming a challenge, they just leave the mountain or go to another thinking they can ski better somewhere else. They soon experience the mountain is not the problem. You will just keep falling until you learn how to ski.
You must learn and grow from every fall, every mistake, every failure, and every loss. Do not let the devil chase you off your mountain, conquer it!