LeadTip #7 Teamwork
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, Philippians 2:3
One of the greatest joys of serving in any organization comes from being with people who have a team mentality. It takes humility, respect, commitment, trust, accountability, and devotion to a unified mission to be a healthy and productive team player.
This does not mean there is never any conflict or disagreement among team members. But healthy teams have positive members that are not divisive and strive to uphold love, honor, and godly resolution in conflict. Team members exude godly character.
The cause of Christ is worthy of teamwork - people giving their best and excellence in serving the Lord and caring for each other. This takes an “all in” attitude and mentality. This is a core value of great teams.
Seek wisdom and understanding before making life altering decisions. God wants the best for our lives.
Faith is something that needs to be fed. Faith is what causes us to make decisions that oppose unbelief, fear, carnal desires, emotions, and cultural deceptions.
The church is how Jesus calls us, gathers us and prepares us for His return. It is the most important thing happening on the earth.
There will be many voices throughout your life calling to you and trying to gain your allegiance.
Leaders must have patience and overwhelming love for those they are called to mentor and equip.
When you as a leader see something that is outright hurtful to the life of a person, or hear of sin in the camp, you must act.
Along with other important requirements, God requires leaders in His organization, the church, to be hospitable.
Setting your priorities on a to- do list is greatly beneficial to your productivity and efficiency for the day ahead.