Apprehending Your Promise (Pastor Ron Termale) October 24, 2021

  • God’s Word says, “If you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (Gal 3:29, NKJV).

    • This means that the promise God made to Abraham is now your promise as a believer in Jesus. God promised Abraham that He would bless him, bless his offspring, and bless all peoples on earth through him, so God is also going to bless you and your offspring and use you to be a blessing.

  • It takes faith to receive the promise.

    • The Israelites were not able to take the land that God had promised to give them because of their unbelief (Heb 3:19). The Israelite spies who scouted the land said that its inhabitants were too powerful, its cities were too fortified, and that they saw giants, so they rejected Caleb’s plea to them that they could certainly take it (Num 13:26-33).

    • God has decreed that you will prosper (Deut 28:11, Jer 29:11), so be careful of people who speak words that are contrary to what God has already promised you. When your situation appears bigger than God, it is time to get new glasses that allow you to see through the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • God does not renege on His promises. He gives each of us a specific dream, and even if we walk away from Him, He will never abandon His plans for our lives.

  • Three enemies that you must conquer in order to apprehend, or grab hold of, your promise from God:

    1) Unbelief.

    • It was not the giants or the walls that held the Israelites back from taking the land, but unbelief. A good example of conquering unbelief is having the faith that a group of young people from our church had to put on a service at the Dunkin Donuts Center in Providence a few years ago. They did not allow doubts about cost or how they would fill the arena to stop them, but followed their promise from God that they would make an impact in this region for His glory, and over 8,000 people came.

    2) Fear and intimidation.

    • Remember that “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Tim 1:7, NKJV). God will push you to fight for your promise. Take the shove, and overcome fear.

    3) Inferiority.

    • The devil wants you to view yourself like an insignificant, little grasshopper, as the Israelite spies viewed themselves (Num 13:33). In reality, you are God’s chosen people (1 Pet 2:9), so walk like you are somebody. Walk with the unstoppable mentality that you are the legacy of Abraham who is blessed, who will be a blessing wherever you go, and who will see God crush Satan under your feet.

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Remember When…? (Jared Burrows) October 31, 2021


Why God is This Happening? Part 2 (Pastor Ron Termale) October 17, 2021