Worth the Fight (Pastor Ron Termale) October 3, 2021

  • Scripture instructs us, “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses” (1 Tim 6:12, NIV).

    • Declare that you are a fighter, not a quitter.

  • The good news about your fight of faith is that God has predestined you for victory. Just as the outcome of a professional wrestling match is fixed before it begins, so God has predetermined that you will win.

    • God has already spoken prophetically in His Word that no weapon formed against you will prosper (Isa 54:17), that He has plans to prosper you (Jer 29:11), that He is for you, so no one can be against you (Rom 8:31), that you are more than a conqueror through Him (Rom 8:37), that He will supply all your needs (Phil 4:19), and that you will overcome the world through your faith (1 John 5:4).

  • As a believer in Jesus, you have to develop a fighting attitude, for you are going against the tide. The world and its demonic powers oppose your faith, so you must fight to stand for the truth of God’s Word.

    • Jesus says that the gate which leads to destruction is wide and many enter through it, whereas the gate which leads to life is narrow and only a few find it (Matt 7:13-14). Those who were baptized last week got off the highway to hell and entered the narrow gate through the waters of baptism.

  • We are here today as a church because people fought for us to worship God freely.

    • During the American Revolution, an estimated one-third of the colonists fought against the tyranny of Great Britain, whereas the other two-thirds submitted to it. If the American Revolutionaries were willing to fight and give their lives for our freedom to worship God in this nation without tyrannical interference, we are not going to let our church be shut down due to fear.

    • Our church fought through the “COVID” restrictions over the past year through prayer, and also by meeting outside for a time when we were unable to meet inside, and God has added many new souls and fighters to our ranks because we did not quit. We are blessed to be part of a church that has an unstoppable spirit and knows how to fight. Our church has been fighting since our Smithfield campus was built many decades ago, and we are still reaping the benefits of those sacrifices today.

  • You cannot win a fight unless you fight, so rise up and believe what God has already decreed over you.

  • If you need the power to fight, get around the Holy Spirit. Go to the altar and ask the Holy Spirit for some power. Jesus says that you will be His witnesses when you receive power from the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8), so go get filled with His Spirit, go fight your battles, and then go tell people about your victories.

  • Your life, including your future, your children, and eternal life with Jesus, are all worth the fight. Jesus thought they were worth the fight when He walked the road to Calvary for you. Therefore, know that you will win your fight of faith, for God’s Word says that nothing can separate you from His love (Rom 8:38-39).

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Why God is This Happening? (Pastor Ron Termale) October 10, 2021


Who Do You Say I Am? (Pastor Ron Termale) September 26, 2021