More Spirit, More Life, Part 4: Three Ways the Holy Spirit Works (Pastor Ron Termale) December 12, 2021 (Celebration Sunday)

  • Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven, and the Holy Spirit is on earth, so we need to know the Holy Spirit, too. Having a relationship with the Holy Spirit changes the dynamic of your life.

    • Scripture teaches us, “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (Gal 5:22-23, CSB). The more we have the Holy Spirit in our lives, the more we have real peace, security, and spiritual, emotional, and physical health.

  • Three ways the Holy Spirit works in the earth and in our lives:

    1) The Holy Spirit makes the impossible possible.

    • When the angel told Mary that she would be pregnant with Jesus, even though she was a virgin, she asked how this could be. The angel replied that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and the Most High overshadow her. The angel informed her that her cousin Elizabeth, who was in her old age and was called barren, had also conceived a son. The angel then said to Mary, “For with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:34-37, KJV).

    • We can often be like Mary, asking how God’s Word shall come to pass in our lives. We can also be like Elizabeth, told by the world that we are “barren,” or not good enough for God to use to fulfill His purposes. Whatever the impossibility is that this world has put on you and the devil has spoken to you, you need to declare that nothing is impossible with God.

    • If you need a breakthrough in your life, you need the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit filled both Mary and Elizabeth during their miraculous pregnancies (Luke 1:35, 41). The Holy Spirit is also the one who awakens people to Christ when they are spiritually dead in their transgressions (Eph 2:1), blinded by the god of this age (Satan) (2 Cor 4:4), and on the road to destruction (Matt 7:13).

    2) The Holy Spirit comes suddenly.

    • The Holy Spirit has a way of suddenly and unexpectedly breaking into your ordinary and making it extraordinary, so do not allow discouragement or times of waiting tell you that your God-given dreams and desires are not going to happen. Trust in the Holy Spirit, and let Him create your world.

    3) The Holy Spirit works in divine order.

    • The Holy Spirit has been given to you to help you fulfill God’s plan for your life and live in His blessing. How you live in that divine order is by seeking first God’s kingdom (Matt 6:33), and by obeying the Holy Spirit’s convictions, as David did in his prayer of repentance (Ps 51:10–12).

  • We pray that the Holy Spirit empowers the people getting baptized today. God’s Word says that those who repent and are baptized in Jesus’s Name for the forgiveness of their sins will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38).

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