The Freedom Series, Part 14: Freedom Within the Word (Davy DaSilva) July 25, 2021

  • It is vital for us to understand why we need and how to use the Bible, the Word of God.

  • The greatest lie from the enemy is that the Bible is out of date, and that we should just do what we want. The truth is that the Bible is true yesterday, today, and forever – it is absolute truth.

    • The author of Hebrews states that God’s Word is “living and active…sharper than any two-edged sword,” and that it penetrates the deepest parts of our being and exposes and judges our thoughts and intentions (Heb 4:12, AMP).

    • The Bible is the most accurate book from antiquity. Not only does it contain accurate scientific information, such as that the earth is a sphere and the oceans have springs, but it also provides true guidance on all spiritual and mental/emotional matters.

  • Another misconception about the Bible is that it is unrelatable, too difficult to understand, and that it is only meant for religious leaders such as pastors and priests. However, God has provided many translations of it as well as abundant resources that make it easier for you to understand. You are more equipped than you think.

  • Why do we need the Bible?

    • The Bible is the only book that is “God-breathed,” or divinely inspired by God Himself. Therefore, it holds authority and is useful for a variety of our needs as Christians, including for instructing, for convicting of sin, for correcting error, and for training in righteousness (2 Tim 3:16-17, AMP).

  • Who does the Bible represent?

    • The Bible represents the character of God. Jesus became a human and lived among us to be our life and light (John 1:1-5, 14). When we read His Word, we understand the depth of His love for us.

  • What do we do with the Bible?

    • We build our life and faith on the foundation of the Bible’s principles, for they are secure (see Matt 7:24-27, where Jesus compares obeying His words to building a house on a rock). We also use the Word of God as our sword against the devil (Eph 6:11, 17).

  • How do we use the Bible?

    1) Pray for insight when you read the Bible – pray, “Lord, speak and show me.”

    2) Meditate on what you read – ask, “How should I apply it?”

    3) Write out the application/revelation you receive in order to remember and share it.

    4) Memorize a key verse that touched your heart (see the instruction in Prov 4:20-21).

    5) Worship (before or after) and invite the Holy Spirit in to awaken you (Jesus says that the truth

    will set you free; John 8:31-32).

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The Freedom Series, Part 15: Don’t Follow the Crowd (Pastor Ron Termale) August 1, 2021


The Freedom Series, Part 13: Freedom in the Holy Spirit (Pastor Ron Termale) July 18, 2021