Stronger & Better, Part 2: How the Kingdom Works (Pastor David de la Cruz)

Jesus’s primary focus was the kingdom of God.

  • Jesus teaches that He wants us to live in God’s kingdom, have citizenship there, and have a kingdom mentality (Matt 6:33, 25:34).

So what is God’s kingdom?

God’s kingdom is not a physical one or a particular geographical place on earth such as the country of Israel. The apostle Paul explains that God’s kingdom is “not a matter of eating and drinking” (Rom 14:17, NIV). That is, it is not characterized by the same things as natural earthly kingdoms.

  • Rather, God’s kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom 14:17). 

  • God’s kingdom is a spiritual kingdom.

Three things that we learn about God’s kingdom in Rom 14:17:

  1. The kingdom of God brings righteousness. Righteousness is right living or obeying God. We become righteous through faith in Jesus Christ (Rom 3:22).

  2. The kingdom of God brings peace. Peace is found in Jesus, the Prince of Peace (Isa 9:6).

  3. The kingdom of God brings joy. Jesus tells a parable that when someone finds the kingdom of God, that person goes in his joy and sells all that he has for it (Matt 13:44).

The righteousness, peace, and joy that God’s kingdom brings makes us stronger and better.



Stronger & Better, Part 3: Wash Your Hands (Pastor Ron Termale)


Stronger & Better, Part 1: How God Works (Pastor Ron Termale)